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Welcome to 123DOCX.com's frequently asked questions about downloading.

In an effort to make the answers to your questions more readily available, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions into several categories which are listed in the right hand menu.

To find the answer to your questions, select the category that is most relevant to your enquiry.

If you have any further questions concerning 123DOCX.com's product downloads, data protection, and access options, please contact our Customer Services Department. Our service and support staff are on hand to assist you with any and all questions that you might have.

Frequently asked questions about downloading

Questions in this category include:

How quickly can I download Word Templates?
You can download Word Templates immediately upon purchase.

After confirming your shopping cart, you will be transferred to PayPal, our preferred secure payment transactions host. Where you are required to complete your credit card information which will then allow you to download your order right away. If your local network or PC has firewall or other antivirus software which can prevent or otherwise block the download of your order, we ask that you contact us immediately to minimize any delay or inconvenience so that we may forward your order to you manually.
How quickly can I download Photos and Photo Images?
You can download Photos and Photo Images immediately upon purchase.

After confirming your shopping cart, you will be transferred to PayPal, our preferred secure payment transactions host. Where you are required to complete your credit card information which will then allow you to download your order right away. If your local network or PC has firewall or other antivirus software which can prevent or otherwise block the download of your order, we ask that you contact us immediately to minimize any delay or inconvenience so that we may forward your order to you manually.
How quickly can I download Fonts and typefaces?
You can download Fonts immediately upon purchase.

After confirming your shopping cart, you will be transferred to PayPal, our preferred secure payment transactions host. Where you are required to complete your credit card information which will then allow you to download your order right away. If your local network or PC has firewall or other antivirus software which can prevent or otherwise block the download of your order, we ask that you contact us immediately to minimize any delay or inconvenience so that we may forward your order to you manually.
How is my order delivered?
Your order, Word Templates, Photos, Photo Images, Fonts, and typfaces, are delivered in compressed file formats.
What is a compressed file format?
A compressed file format is a file that contains your files but is saved with compression using a third party software for example, as a Zip file (WinZip) or a Stuffit file. 123DOCX.com uses a file compression format for downloading all orders and purchases for your conveninece, so that you need only download one file as well as minimze the file size and your time for downloading over the Internet.
Which file compression format does 123DOCX.com use?
123DOCX.com uses WinZip to compress all of its Word Templates, Photos and Images, Fonts and typefaces.
Do I have the WinZip tool or where can I get it from?
If you are using the Macintosh, you are most likely using Stuffit Expander as your preferred compression tool, which expands files of the .sit and .sea extensions. Stuffit Expander also expands WinZip files, which have the .zip file extension.

Stuffit Expander is available freely at Stuff It. And the WinZip application, available for evaluation from WinZip.

After downloading and installing the WinZip software, you'll need to use the program to 'unzip' your downloaded zip file.
When I download my order from 123DOCX.com where is it saved?
When you begin to download your order, your browser will prompt where you wish to save the file in the "Save As" window. Select a location you can find easily. Such as on the root of your hard drive or your Desktop.
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Word Templates | Photos & Images | Custom Fonts

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